Blue Connect

Creating a system-level impact for the restoration and regeneration of sea regions requires a thriving cross-sectoral ecosystem that is based on radical collaboration. In this ecosystem, business initiatives and startups focused on sea region regeneration can emerge from anywhere in the world and access research, commercialization, and financial support at any growth stage.
A’Pelago Blue Connect is a collaboration network and ecosystem facilitated by A'Pelago. It is designed for a strategic, systematic and efficient transition to secure restoration and regeneration of sea regions. As of today the network consists of a wide range of public and private businesses and organisations, market segments and economic sectors, research institutions, NGOs and public authorities. The Network provides strategic insights and most recent global blue economy community news to the members and gathers together annually at the A'Pelago Initiative.
To improve collaboration opportunities and tighten up the Blue Connect Network, A’Pelago will launch in spring 2025 an A'Pelago Blue Connect partnership program and an online platform for the network to thrive.
If you are interested in joining the Blue Connect Network and platform, please contact Sini at sini@apelago.fi.