Ron Tardiff

Ocean innovation Work Lead, Ocean Action Agenda, World Economic Forum

Ronald Tardiff leads the ocean innovation work of the Ocean Action Agenda at the World Economic Forum. In this role Ron also leads the Lighthouse (executive team) of the 1000 Ocean Startups Coalition; a coalition of entrepreneur-supporting organizations to accelerate ocean impact innovation. In addition, he curates ocean-related challenges on the Forum’s UpLink open innovation platform. Ron is a recognized expert on ocean innovation and regularly advises startups, investors, accelerators, and innovation programs and judges several innovation challenges per year. Prior to this, he worked with the Sustainable Ocean Alliance to build the world’s largest network of young ocean leaders and SOA’s international grant making program, which to date has funded more than 200 youth-led ocean projects in 50 countries. Ron is a marine ecologist with degrees in Marine Sciences, Maritime Studies, & Aquaculture, Environment & Society.

On Initiative Day 2 Ron will join us remotely to share insights on the global level of ocean solution innovation and startup development.


Status quo of world blue economy start-up building (remote)

A'Pelago Initiative 2024