For Attendees

A'Pelago Initiative 2023

Dear A'Pelago Initiative Guest,

Welcome to the A’Pelago Initiative 2023 on August 10-11. Our 1st ever Initiative event will make its debut as the biggest business camp in the Finnish Archipelago Sea Region in history.

This year, we will embark on an immersive exploration of business concepts that benefit the Archipelago Sea, delving into research, digitalization, and innovation culture, while addressing the crucial question: how can we secure funding for such initiatives?

The event will be chaired by prominent speaker André Noël Chaker. We are very excited to have you as our guest, featuring our stellar speakers each with a unique perspective on the archipelago.

Before and during the event you’ll find some housekeeping notes for all attendees on this page. Please read them carefully. We are more than happy to help you and answer any questions that might arise at

Welcome to our first A'Pelago Initiative!

Event Venue

This years venue is the Archipelago Centre Korpoström, Korpoströmintie 21720 Pargas.

As we have a full house of 150+ participants each day, we recommend that you arrive no later than 9.30 am on Day 1 (Thursday 10th) and no later than 8.45 am on Day 2 (Friday 11th).

Transport and parking

The event venue can be reached by public transport line 902 from Turku bus station. If you arrive by car, please use the signed parking area at Korpoströmintie 820, which is a 2 minute walk from the venue. Ferry timetables can be found from the Finferries site.

The venue can be also reached by boat - if you opt for this, please contact to book a berth (if needed).

Recommended Accommodation

An excellent accommodation choice for A'Pelago Initiative is Hotel Stallbacken. Please contact the venue host at to inquire about a room and let them know you are an A'Pelago Initiative guest. Rooms will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. If you stay at Hotel Stallbacken transportation from Stallbacken to Initiative Event venue will leave 8.30a.m. Transport from Event Venue to Stallbacken will leave after Initiative party on Thursday at 11.00p.m.

Other accommodation options we warmly recommend from the area are:

Lunches and breaks

Between sessions, a fresh lunch is served based on local cuisine of the archipelago area. Refreshments will also be catered during breaks. Please provide us with your possible food restrictions by August, 1st via a questionnaire sent to you separately.

Dinner and seating (Day 1)

The Initiative Dinner will take place on Thursday 10th at 6.00- p.m. Before the start, please find yourself a seat freely from the dinner venue. We kindly ask you not to leave empty seats. The dinner will start with a toast and continue as a three-course menu. The Initiative party will start immediately after the dinner party featuring the She's Leaving Home Band and Nagu Distillery Bar.

Dress code: Archipelago Club or Smart Island Dinner Attire.

That's all at this point - please join us for the Initiative soon!

The A'Pelago Team


Day 1: A conceptual and macro-level thinktank

The purpose is to generate new business ideas that will benefit the Archipelago Sea region. Our inspirational keynote speakers and investor panelists will address different topics, but all topics will have an archipelago twist.

All speakers have a direct connection to the region and a penchant for the wellbeing of the sea. We will hear both representatives from research relating to the Archipelago Sea and from the business community.

The day will end with a panel summarizing what concrete business action could be taken for the Archipelago.


Opening & Purpose


Greetings from the Parliament of Finland

Welcome to Korpo

Welcome to Archipelago Center

The Research Perspective


Archipelago Sea Ecosystems


The road to a vital archipelago



The Digital Perspective


From exploring Helsinki to exploring the archipelago


Global platforms, local relevance


Refreshment break


Strategic community building and AI


Investments in DeepTech


Sustainable Innovations for the Archipelago (live from San Francisco)


Panel discussion - how to create an ecosystem for innovation

Facilitated by Patrik Anckar


Summary of Initiatives


Open discussion


Live music with She's Leaving Home

Day 2: Moving from vision to action at a micro level

The purpose is to showcase and facilitate business solutions and start-ups with an Archipelago Sea impact. We will have representatives of different businesses addressing topical solutions, all solutions having an archipelago twist. All presenters have a direct connection to the region and a fondness for the sea.

We will match business operators with investors to generate funding for viable and sustainable solutions. The day will end with an investor panel evaluating the potential of showcases and archipelago related business in general.


Working remotely: Greetings from s/y Panacea sailing in Indonesia


Investor panel 1: What to look for in an investment case - criteria for Private Equity investments and Venture Capital

Facilitated by Timo Ketonen


The easiest 3D configurator for any space


Four Ferries eMathStudio

The learning platform for mathematics


Korpi ForRest

The 2nd best solution for resting your mind


Sofokus: Uniqore

Transform your business processes into digital experiences




G-Boats NaviWheel

Intuitive Control makes Boating Safe and Easy



ServoProp electric propulsion


Brush 'n Go

Pop-up boatwash



100% biocide free antifouling


Investor panel 2: Feedback to the pitches and advice how to go forward when looking for funding

Facilitated by Turo Numminen


Summary and call for actions


Open discussion

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